Instructions and data are represented in binary.
(machine code)
Instructions and data are stored in memory (set of bytes)
Operating system will load the program binary from the disk and put it to the memory
-> CPU ready to execute the program
RISC-V의 모든 instruction은 32-bit, 즉 1 word의 길이로 나타내며,
little endian으로 나타낸다. 한 마디로, 우리는 뒤에서부터 읽어 해석해야 한다.
<RISC-V R-format Instructions>
- Instruction fields
opcode: operation code
(0~6비트까지 총 7bits. representing type of instruction. shift인지 arithmetic인지 이런거 구분해주는 역할을 한다.)
rd: destination register number
연산 결과가 저장될 레지스터의 번호
funct3: 3-bit function code (additional opcode)
rs1: the first source register number
rs2: the second source register number
funct7: 7-bit function code (additional opcode)
funct3와 funct7를 합친 10-bit가 operation의 세부적인 기능을 결정한다.
RISC-V assembly instruction will be represented in 32 bits in binary value in memory
-> CPU will read this 32 bits and execute
오른쪽에서부터 쭉 읽어서 이를 4비트씩 끊고, 이렇게 표현된 binary를
hexadecimal format으로 읽을 수도 있다!
<RISC-V I-format Instructions>
Immediate arithmetic and load instructions
rs1: source or base address register number
R-format의 opcode~rs1까지는 동일한 형식이지만, I-format은 rs2가 불필요하므로 rs2 + funct7 영역을 합친
12bit로 상수를 표현한다.(immediate)
immediate: constant operand, or offset added to base address
using 2's complement
-> will be sign extended to 32-bit
<Sign extension>
representing a number using more bits
preserve the numeric value
sign bit를 왼쪽으로 쭉 replicate한다.
0000 0010 -> 0000 0000 0000 0010
1111 1110 -> 1111 1111 1111 1110
lb: sign-extend loaded byte
1bu: zero-extend loaded byte
<Shift Operations>
slli, srli, srai
but not using I-format
shamt (0~31): shift amount in number of bit positions
sll, srl, sra
rd <- value in rs1 shifted by shift amount in rs2
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